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Alternate Uses for Tea


Tea for fleas – Add crushed dried tea leaves to your pet’s flea powder to double its effectiveness. Use 1 cup of green tea that has been crushed to release the aroma and natural oils and thoroughly mix it with 1 cup of flea powder. The mixture can be sprinkled on your pet’s bed or directly onto your pet, as per the powder manufacturer’s directions. You can also use the tea directly, without flea powder.


Garbage disposal deodorizer – Put spent tea leaves through the garbage disposal to effectively deodorize it, just as effectively as lemons or baking soda. Used leaves also work for a few days as an odor catcher in the refrigerator. 


Ice cubes– Instead of using water in your ice cube trays, use left over tea. The next time you are ready to serve iced tea, use the tea ice cubes to add flavor and also prevent the iced tea from getting watery. Alternatively, you could make ice cubes from a fruit juice such as orange or cranberry, or from lemonade. This will add a contrasting flavor to your iced tea that’s tangy and delicious! 

Black Tea Soother – An all-purpose astringent, antibacterial solution for minor cuts, abrasions and rashes. Suggested black teas to use include: Keemun, Assam, English or Irish Breakfast, Ceylon and Kenyan. DO NOT use any flavored or scented teas because the perfumes, oils or other flavoring agents may be harsh on minor injuries and sensitive skin.

½ cup black unscented tea leaves

1 quart boiling spring water


1.        Brew the tea in the boiling spring water for at least 10 minutes

2.        Strain the leaves and set them aside

3.        Cool the liquid, then refrigerate


This soother can be used for cuts and scrapes and irritations. Wipe off any excess solution to prevent staining of furniture or clothing. The solutions should be stored in the refrigerator and can keep for up to 10 days.


Minor cuts and abrasions – Soak a pure cotton pad with the tea soother and apply to minor cuts or abrasions, allowing it to stay on the laceration for at least 5 minutes. Repeat. Do not wash off. This can be done up to 4 times/day.

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